Scientific paper ID 1524 : 2017/3
Galina Cherneva, Elena Dimkina The transportation systems are complicated nonlinear dynamic systems (NDS). They have a number of common properties and similar processes, which are characteristic for the dynamic systems with different physical nature. It defines a common approach in their study. This approach is the system approach and as part of the dynamic deion of physical systems. Through it the analysis of the processes in transport systems is made from unified positions.
The transport systems are open self-organizing systems - concepts inherent in synergy structures. The synergistic methodology, which is closely related to the theory of phase transitions and bifurcations, is a basic methodological basis for analyzing the processes in them. In the present work is presented the synergy concept for the management process in the transport systems. This concept leads to targeted and directed self-organization i.e. transition from unpredictable behavior to the desired state by a specified algorithm based on the transformation of the attractor in reconciling the natural properties of the managed processes and the target of management. транспортни системи синергетика нелинейна динамична система самоорганизацияtransport systems synergistic non-linear dynamic system self-organizationGalina Cherneva Elena Dimkina BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kotikov Yu. G. Osnovy sistemnogo analiza transportnyh sistem: ucheb.posobie SPbGASU, 2001. – 264 s. ( [1] Котиков Ю. Г. Основы системного анализа транспортных систем: учеб.пособие СПбГАСУ, 2001. – 264 с. ) [2] Bahur A. Kontseptualnyye osnovy sistemnogo podhoda i soderzhanie sovremennoy inzhenernoy praktiki. http//www.uci.ru/inteltekh/ 1999. ( [2] Бахур А. Концептуальные основы системного подхода и содержание современной инженерной практики. http//www.uci.ru/inteltekh/ 1999. ) [3] Spitsnadel V.N. Osnovy sistemnogo analiza: Ucheb. posobie. SPb.: «Izd. dom «Bizness-pressa», 2000 g. – 326 s. ( [3] Спицнадель В.Н. Основы системного анализа: Учеб. пособие. СПб.: «Изд. дом «Бизнесс-пресса», 2000 г. – 326 с. ) [4] Antonov A.V. Sistemnyy analiz: Ucheb. posobie – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2004. – 454 s. ( [4] Антонов А.В. Системный анализ: Учеб. пособие – М.: Высшая школа, 2004. – 454 с. ) [5] Dmitriev O. Sistemnyy analiz v upravlenii: Nauchnoe i ucheb. izdanie. M. 2005g. ( [5] Дмитриев О. Системный анализ в управлении: Научное и учеб. издание. М. 2005г. ) [6] Petrakieva, S., O. Garasym, I. Taralova, G-interval Method for Secure Chaotic Synchronization and Information Transmission, Proceedings of 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST – 2014), ISSN: 978-1-908320-39/1/25.00 © 2014 IEEE, 8 – 10 December 2014, London, UK, pp. 37 – 42. |