Scientific paper ID 1523 : 2017/3
Radostina Hristova Asynchronous network address to connect to the code division multiplexing are the most advanced technologies in the development of communications. The presence of structural (mutual) disturbances in them is the most characteristic feature of the given systems and it lies in the principle of its construction. The value of structural interference does not depend on the energy options of the system, increasing the power of the transmitters not lowers their mutual interference on the useful signal, as with the growing power of the useful signal at the same time increasing the level of disturbing signals. That”s why research into possible ways of reducing the level of mutual interference is one of the most current and solved in its entirety tasks of communication theory.
In the proposed article based on synthesized mathematical model of mutual interference are derived quantitative relations that in general case the parameters which determine the noise tolerance of asynchronous address systems reporting the impact of mutual interference. In the publication are analysed the conditions under which the proposed expressions are valid and is appreciated their credibility when comparing them with the results of other literary sources and research. радиокомуникации кодово разделяне на каналите асинхронни адресни мрежи.radiocommunications code division of channels asynchronous address networks.Radostina Hristova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Andonov A. Radiokomunikatsionni sistemi sas spetsialno prednaznachenie, VTU „T.Kableshkov“, monografiya, 300str. 2009g. ISBN 978 934 12 1. ( [1] Андонов А. Радиокомуникационни системи със специално предназначение, ВТУ „Т.Каблешков“, монография, 300стр. 2009г. ISBN 978 934 12 1. ) [2] Borisov V.I. Pomehozashtishtennost sistem radio svyazi s rasshireniem spektra: M.Radio svyazi 2003g., 600str. ISBN-5-256-016-5. ( [2] Борисов В.И. Помехозащищенность систем радио связи с расширением спектра: М.Радио связи 2003г., 600стр. ISBN-5-256-016-5. ) [3] Sklar B. Digital Communications, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003, 1050стр. |