Scientific paper ID 1522 : 2017/3
Nikolay Kolev, Emiliya Dimitrova An important accent in the technical exploitation of communication systems is the study of the distribution of estimates of the basic and secondary parameters measured. This is determined by the technical feasibility for measurement through parameters with the appropriate measuring and recovery tools. As a result, the average value of the parameter estimates appears to be a function of the duration or period of technical exploitation. Similarly to this process, dispersion measurement estimates and the medium quadratic deviation appear to be a function of the period of technical exploitation. The current paper contains a study of the actual operational distribution of receiver sensitivity and transmitter power of the ALAN communication and information system. Control measurements show that, as a result of the inevitable wearing out process, the current values of the CS parameters are continuously changing around a certain average value in a cross section of time. The conclusion is that the parameters checked are functions of the technical operation time. Due to analogous processes in the measuring instruments used to control the relevant PTC, the dispersion of the relative error in each periodic series of control measurements, as well as the medium quadratic deviation, appear to be functions of the current operation time. In the above context, this paper is a study of the distribution of specific communication system data in a cross-section of the current time for technical exploitation.
закони на разпределение комуникационно-информационна система обработка на данниdistribution laws data processing communication and information systemNikolay Kolev Emiliya Dimitrova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Petrov N.I., Eksploatatsionna nadezhdnost na riskovi tehnicheski sistemi, Yambol, 2002 ( [1] Петров Н.И., Експлоатационна надеждност на рискови технически системи, Ямбол, 2002 ) [2] Romanov A.I., Osnovy teorii telekommunikatsionnyh setey, Kiev, 2002 ( [2] Романов А.И., Основы теории телекоммуникационных сетей, Киев, 2002 ) [3] Petrov N.I., Nadezhdnostni izsledvaniya na riskovi tehnicheski sistemi, Yambol, 2006 ( [3] Петров Н.И., Надеждностни изследвания на рискови технически системи, Ямбол, 2006 ) [4] Petrov N.I., Nadezhdnostni izsledvaniya na riskovi tehnicheski sistemi, Yambol, 2007 ( [4] Петров Н.И., Надеждностни изследвания на рискови технически системи, Ямбол, 2007 ) [5] Dimitrova E., V. Dimitrov, Contemporary Trends for Increasing the Reliability of the SCADA systems Communication Level, 51st International Scientific Conference ICEST 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 28 - 30 2016, Proceedings, ISBN 978-9989-786-78-5, pp. 115-118 [6] Dimitrov V., Мethodology of study of sensors specific to contemporary electric vehicles, Acad, journal “Mechanics, Transport, Communications”, ISSN 1312-3823, Vol. 12/1, 2014, art. ID:933 [7] Petrov N.I., Netrivialni zakoni na razpredelenie, izpolzvani pri stohastichna obrabotka na danni ot letatelni aparati, NS na VVMU „Vaptsarov”, ISSN 1310-9278, 2003 ( [7] Петров Н.И., Нетривиални закони на разпределение, използвани при стохастична обработка на данни от летателни апарати, НС на ВВМУ „Вапцаров”, ISSN 1310-9278, 2003 ) |