Scientific paper ID 1509 : 2017/3

Lubomir Sekulov, Georgi Pavlov, Javor Isaev, Rumen Stoicev

Abstract: The subject examined in the present report is a “MAN” trolleybus with impulse control of the main modes of operation (traction and braking) and a regulator based on high-power bi-operational semiconductor switches of the GTO-type. The trolleybuses are in exploitation of the ISKAR trolleybus depot in Sofia. The experimental testing of the trolleybus was conducted in normal working conditions, while in motion along the route. The main operating modes of electrical traction of the „МАN“ trolleybus were tested (traction and braking) and, thereby, the high-power and control parameters were analysed. The main goal is to identify the algorithms built into the control module of the traction and braking semiconductor switches of the trolleybus high-power regulator, as well as the form and the value of all signals triggering the control and protection of the traction electric equipment.

In the course of the experimental testing, the fluctuation values of the main high-power parameters of electric traction power were identified for transition and borderline regimes (armature and field current, voltages of the traction engine, the filter and the contact network, rotations), as well as the variation of all controlling signals from the control system.

наземен електрически транспорт електрозадвижвания електрически транспортни средства тролейбус микропроцесорно управление.land electric transport electric traction electric transportation vehicles trolleybus microprocessor controlLubomir Sekulov Georgi Pavlov Javor Isaev Rumen Stoicev


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