Scientific paper ID 1508 : 2017/3
Krassimir Kuzhev, Ivan Milenov It is more and more clear that the future belongs to elecric vehicles. How much time would be necessary for them to take the place they deserve depends chiefly on the capacity of their batteries. The report contains an overview of the different types of traction batteries used in electric vehicles today. The conditions under which the batteries operate have been discussed and analysed. It has been shown that they work under rigorous conditions. During operation, the elecric vehicle batteries are subjected to mechanical impact like: direct impact, vibrations, fast acceleration and brisk braking maneuvers etc. In addition to that they have to operate under a much wider temperature range, e.g. from -30 C to +50 C. The operating regimes of charge and discharge have a considerable effect on the general working condition. These regimes are especially harsh on traction batteries during acceleration and breaking of the vehicle. At such moments the batteries have to give out or store high amount of electricity for an extremely short time. The study shows that the life-expectancy of car batteries largely depends on their proper exploitation.
електромобил видове батерии акумулатори тенденции в батериитеelectric vehicles types of batteries car batteries trends in car batteriesKrassimir Kuzhev Ivan Milenov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Balgaranov L., I. Milenov, G. Pavlov, Ch. Dzhambazki, Elektrozadvizhvane, Sofiya, 2009 g. ( [1] Българанов Л., И. Миленов, Г. Павлов, Ч. Джамбазки, Електрозадвижване, София, 2009 г. ) [2] Balgaranov L., Elektricheski transport, Sofiya, 2004 g. ( [2] Българанов Л., Електрически транспорт, София, 2004 г. ) [3] Davidov S., I. Milenov, H. Ivanov.. Malki elektromobili, Sofiya, 2014g. ( [3] Давидoв С., И. Миленов, Х. Иванов.. Малки електромобили, София, 2014г. ) [4] Evtimov I., R. Ivanov, Elektromobili, 2011 g. ( [4] Евтимов И., Р. Иванов, Електромобили, 2011 г. ) [5] Internet: www.datasheedcatalog.net [6] Internet: www.igbt-driver.com [7] Internet: www.electroinvent.com [8] Internet: www.shipinfo.ru [9] Internet: www.vromos.com [10] Internet: www.bgopit.com [11] Internet: www.dynamo-bg.com [12] Internet: www.GreenTech.bg [13] Internet: IDG.bg [14] Internet: www.phienergi.com ( [14] Intеrnet: www.phienergi.com ) |