Scientific paper ID 1503 : 2017/3
Nevena Ivaylova Babunska-Ivanova Because of the wide variety of rock masses in underground construction, have been created different classifications of rock, which account for the effects of a number of factors. The classifications that are widely used worldwide for tunnel construction are the Bieniawski’s RMR system and the Barton’s Q system.
The the article outlined the purpose and tasks of the study. As a result, have been made a series of correlations between the two classifications identified by different authors. There has been applied deive statistics, on which base is created new correlation between RMR and Q for their comparison. Various distribution factors are defined, such as: mean, standard deviations, range, coefficients of kurtosis, skewness, and variation, using the MS Excel software product. From the statistical analysis based on the values of coefficients of variation, skewness and kurtosis, are found that the samples are approximately homogeneous and the signs have a normal distribution with a normal kurtosis. A comparison of the dependence with Bieniawski, Barton and other authors was made, which is illustrated with graphs. On the base of the obtained dependence of RMR with Q, the relationship between the two classifications is determined, which is represented in numerical and graphical expression. тунели класификации скален масив RMR система Q система дескриптивна статистикаtunnels classification rock massif RMR system Q system descriptive statisticNevena Ivaylova Babunska-Ivanova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Totev Y. i kolektiv. Normi za proektirane na patni i zhelezopatni tuneli, 1988. ( [1] Тотев Й. и колектив. Норми за проектиране на пътни и железопътни тунели, 1988. ) [2] Deere, D.U., Deere, D.W. The Rock Quality Designation (RQD) Index in Practice. In Rock Classification Systems for Engineering Purposes, ASTM Special Publication 984, pp. 91-101, Philadelphia, 1988. [3] Bieniawski Z.T. Engineering Rock Mass Classifications: A Complete Manual for Engineers and Geologist in Mining, Civil, and Petroleum Engineering, Wiley, 1989. [4] Barton N., R. Lien, J. Lunde. 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