Scientific paper ID 1502 : 2017/3

D. Osichenko, V. Filipova

Traffic signs provide important information about the traffic situation and the manoeuvres to be undertaken. Therefore, they are of highest importance for the safety and comfort driving of road users. Especially important is their visibility and recognition, both during the day and at night. The number of road signs on a given road network may range from several thousand to several million. But, how all road signs can be inventoried? This report presents methods for collecting detailed information about traffic sign master data (location, size, type, etc.) at both project and network level. In particular, the visual-manual inspection as well as traffic speed methods with cameras and lasers are examined, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method are presented.

пътни принадлежности пътни знаци инвентаризиранеroad signs inventory monitoring high-speed methodsD. Osichenko V. Filipova


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