Scientific paper ID 1500 : 2017/3
Nevena Ivaylova Babunska-Ivanova To prevent the destruction of underground excavation under the influence of rock pressure and provide safe working conditions to build a permanent lining of the facility, tunnel excavation is support. Modern supporting systems are d as a component of the permanent lining and in this sense they are treated as primary lining.
The primary lining in tunnels consists of various elements, depending on the category and quality of the rock mass. To determine the fields of application of the primary lining has been compared one of the most commonly classifications of rock mass in tunnel construction - Protodiakonov and Lauffer, NATM, RMR, Q, GSI and RQD parameter. The relationship between RQD and RMR has been determined using collected data from real objects from the world practice and correlation and regression analysis has been done. On the base on the determined relationship and the cited references are draw graphics that are presented and compared to those classifications and RQD, according to the category and quality of the rock mass. According to the graphics has been made decision of the individual classifications in the construction of a tunnel for a specific amount of RMR, determined on the basis of individual parameters. Using a comparative graph of classifications has been developed a table in which are presented the types of primary lining used in the construction of tunnels. тунели класификации скален масив първична облицовкаtunnels classification rock massif primary liningNevena Ivaylova Babunska-Ivanova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Totev Y. i kolektiv. Normi za proektirane na patni i zhelezopatni tuneli, 1988. ( [1] Тотев Й. и колектив. Норми за проектиране на пътни и железопътни тунели, 1988. ) [2] Rabcewicz L.V. The New Austrian Tunneling Method, Part One, Water Power, Vol.16, N11, pp.453-457, 1964. [3] Bieniawski Z.T., Tunnel Design by Rock Mass Classifications, Technical Report, 1990. [4] Barton N., R. Lien, J. Lunde. Engineering classification of rock masses for the design of tunnel support. Rock Mechanics 6, pp.189-236, Springer-Verlag, 1974. [5] Hoek E. Practical Rock Engineering, 341 р., http://www.rocscience.com/hoek/PracticalRoc... [6] Zhang L. 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