Scientific paper ID 1497 : 2017/3

Mira Zafirova

Operational Program ”Transport and Transport Infrastructure” (OPTTI) 2014-2020 is the sequel for OP ”Transport” 2007-2013. The strategy of the Operational Program ”Transport and Transport Infrastructure” (OPTTI) 2014-2020 provides for the completion of major national and pan-European transport routes in the country.

The project ”Via Carpathia” was initiated in 2006. The idea is through international highways to be connected northern and southern Europe. The initial contract was signed by Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Lithuania. In 2010. the contract is joined by Bulgaria, Romania and Greece. Currently, the project involved seven countries and 37 regions.

The route of the international automobile highway is provided to start by the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda to pass through Polish cities Białystok, Lublin and Rzeszow, then crossed Slovakia and Hungary. Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Other countries show interest to the contract too. The project “Via Carpathia” is one of the most important European communication projects and the construction of international highways, which will improve transport links in Central and Eastern Europe.

In Bulgaria the route of the ”project “Via Carpathia” coincides with the priority routes of ”” OPTTI”” 2014-2020.

In the developed report is analyzed the importance of the international project for the economic development of Bulgaria.

Оперативна програма “Транспорт и транспортна инфраструктура” транспортни коридори проект "Виа Карпатия"operational program "Transport and Transport Infrastructure" transport corridors project “Via Carpathia"Mira Zafirova


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