Scientific paper ID 1477 : 2017/3

Jelena Tomić, Nebojša Bogojević, Zlatan Šoškić

Road traffic represents one of the main sources of noise pollution in urban areas. In order to control noise levels it is necessary to have a suitable calculation method for traffic noise prediction. Since 1950s many mathematical models for estimation of traffic noise pollution have been developed, and most of available models found in literature are based on regression analysis. This paper presents the application of particle swarm optimization in developing of simple mathematical model for prediction of equivalent A-weighted level of road traffic noise in urban areas of the city of Niš, Serbia. Predictions of the developed mathematical model are compared to experimental data collected by traffic noise measurements, as well as to predictions of commonly used traffic noise models, and the obtained results of statistical analysis of differences between measured and calculated noise levels are presented in this paper.

шумозамърсяване прогнозиране на шума оптимизация на роговите частици.Traffic noise Noise prediction Particle swarm optimizationJelena Tomić Nebojša Bogojević Zlatan Šoškić


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