Scientific paper ID 1471 : 2017/3

Dimitar Dimitrov, Maryia Hristova, Vencislav Trifonov

Network and information security is essential for both the public and the private sectors of the economy and for the protection of critical management information infrastructures. In recent years, network and information systems of various organizations are potentially affected by increasingly frequent security incidents, that are more complex and on a larger scale. To promote a more sophisticated culture of network and information security in the European Union, the European Community has established the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).

The present paper addresses relevant network and information security issues raised by the European Parliament”s Directive on measures to ensure a high level of network and information security in the European Union. The human factor remains the weakest part of cybersecurity, therefore the importance of the preparedness of the work force in this field is increasing. We focus on the exceptional relevance and necessity of creating a new Master of Science (MS) program “Network and Information Security” (NIS) to meet the ments of the National Strategy and the National NIS Cooperation Plan. We share some innovative visions, ideas and practices in the program that ensure its strategic relevance in the future.

мрежови и информационни системи мрежова и информационна сигурност интернет компютърни системи и мрежи обучение.Network and Information systems Network and Information Security Internet Computer Systems and Networks trainingDimitar Dimitrov Maryia Hristova Vencislav Trifonov


[1] POZITsIYa NA EVROPEYSKIYa PARLAMENT, prieta na 13 mart 2014 g. s ogled priemaneto na Direktiva 2014/./ES na Evropeyskiya parlament i na Saveta otnosno merki za garantirane na visoko obshto nivo na mrezhova i informatsionna sigurnost v Sayuza
( [1] ПОЗИЦИЯ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ ПАРЛАМЕНТ, приета на 13 март 2014 г. с оглед приемането на Директива 2014/./ЕС на Европейския парламент и на Съвета относно мерки за гарантиране на високо общо ниво на мрежова и информационна сигурност в Съюза )






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