Scientific paper ID 1468 : 2017/3
Magdalena Petrova - Kirova By accomplishing its activities every enterprise aspires to realizing a positive financial result – profit at the end of the reporting period. The economic activity is a process characterized by economic operations in a particular sequence. As a result of the running of these operations, the enterprise produces goods or performs services passing by four fundamental phases of the reproductive process – supplying, production, realization and distribution. In order to put the circulating capital into effect, the enterprises extract resources from the biosphere that are invested in the production. As a result of the activity, other resources are formed that are returned to the biosphere in the form of harmful emissions, waste, social and health consequences that have an impact on the customers. Due to the limitation of natural resources, more and more popular is the topic over their appropriate distribution and usage alongside with improving the well-being not only for each enterprise but for the whole society which serves as a premise for achieving sustainable development. The responsibility of enterprises for the economic, social and environmental impact suggests that they integrated non-financial information in their financial statements reflecting the effect of their executed task. The incorporation of non-financial and financial information in a reporting document or a set of documents is determined by the integrated reporting. Since 01.01.2017, by the new Accountancy Act, some of the Bulgarian enterprises are obliged to prepare a non-financial statement which must be d in the annual financial statement.
нефинансова информация интегрирано отчитане устойчиво развитиеnon-financial information integrated reporting sustainable developmentMagdalena Petrova - Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Direktiva 2014/95/ES http://eur-lex.europa.eu ( [1] Директива 2014/95/ЕС http://eur-lex.europa.eu ) [2] Zakon za schetovodstvoto, DV br.95 / 08.12.2015 g. ( [2] Закон за счетоводството, ДВ бр.95 / 08.12.2015 г. ) [3] Doklad „Nasheto obshto badeshte“ na Svetovnata Komisiya po Okolna sreda i razvitie kam OON. 1987 g. ( [3] Доклад „Нашето общо бъдеще“ на Световната Комисия по Околна среда и развитие към ООН. 1987 г. ) [4] http://integratedreporting.org/resource/int... [5] Yonkova B. „Integriranoto otchitane – otgovornost i otchetnost“, Izdatelski kompleks – UNSS, Sofiya, 2012 g. ( [5] Йонкова Б. „Интегрираното отчитане – отговорност и отчетност“, Издателски комплекс – УНСС, София, 2012 г. ) [6] Busco C. i kolektiv, „Integrated reporting“, Springer, 2013 ( [6] Busco C. и колектив, „Integrated reporting“, Springer, 2013 ) |