Scientific paper ID 1467 : 2017/3
Svetoslava Shaparova With the worldwide rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the growing economic activity in global plan, companies and organizations are oriented towards organizing high-performance strategic production and trading networks, internationalizing their operations, reducing costs and speeding up the turnover of tangible products. These networks are an integral part of ”global logistics” and integrate production, supply and distribution. These restructuring measures contribute to the economic growth, a better allocation of resources and greater freedom of choice for consumers, while enhancing competition. The international business is experiencing a period of rapid transformation and globalization, while integrated logistics and ICT development have overturned world trade patterns.
The Internet is a powerful business tool creating opportunities for e-commerce development due to the simultaneous offering and demand of products by vendors and buyers online. Through the network, transactions and contracts are finalized, data is exchanged, ideas shared, projects are discussed, and more. The strategic applications of Global Positioning System (GPS), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and E-Commerce (EC) integrated through the Internet are embedded in the practice of information infrastructures leading to interactive processes in logistics activities. The purpose of this paper is to present the capabilities of global communications networks and their applications in practice, explained in the process of their application for real time information generation. ИКТ глобална система за позициониране (GPS) електронен обмен на данни (EDI) и електронна търговия (EC).ICT global positioning system (GPS) electronic data exchange (EDI) electronic trade (e-trade)Svetoslava Shaparova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] http://walmartsupplychain.weebly.com/ [2] http://www.wal-martchina.com/english/suppli... [3] https://www.slideshare.net/jimitallstar7/wa... [4] https://www.b2bgateway.net/edi-for-amazon-v... [5] https://www.inc.com/tom-popomaronis/amazon-... [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon.com i dr. ( [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon.com и др. ) |