Scientific paper ID 1451 : 2017/3

Svetla Tsvetkova

The social and economic development of every country is aimed at improving the population’s living standards, transport, being a primary sector of every economy, is one of the key factors in that regard. In recent years the functioning of the main types of transport has seriously destabilized the global ecosystem, hence why it is necessary to implement purposeful approaches and methods in the management of transport enterprises, aimed at optimizing their activity and reducing their negative influence on the environment.

Ecological management is a modern tool for the ecological regulation of society’s interaction with the environment. Its purpose in transport enterprise management is to ensure their more effective activity through rational use of natural resources and minimal environmental pollution.

екологични аспекти в управлението екологичен мениджмънт намаляване вредното въздействие на транспортаecological aspects in management ecological management reducing the harmful influence of transportSvetla Tsvetkova


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