Scientific paper ID 1448 : 2017/3
Zornitsa Spasova, Tzvetan Dimitrov Considering the significant probability of increasing the number of days with extremely high air temperatures – an event tightly connected with climate change, it is of the utmost importance for society to take preventive measures to mitigate the effects of this adverse heat impact. The aim of this article is to summarize the research carried out by the world scientific community on the impact of heat waves on transport and, in particular, on traffic accidents.
Almost all studies indicate that heat waves can increase the risk of unexpected injuries and road accidents. This is particularly true of crashes caused by factors such as distraction, driver error, fatigue or sleepiness. High ambient temperature is an important factor leading to increased stress and reduced ability to perform intellectual tasks as well as those requiring significant physical effort and motor skills. Heat waves cause sleeping disturbances, which can lead to greater fatigue in drivers. During the warm half of the year the traffic is more intense and speed is higher, which is also a prerequisite for a greater number of road traffic accidents. The information provided will help to facilitate public dialogue on the topic as well as to implement policies and measures of various institutions and public organizations to mitigate this harmful climatic event. климатични промени горещи вълни транспорт пътнотранспортни произшествияclimate change heat waves transport road accidentsZornitsa Spasova Tzvetan Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] V-k. „Dnevnik“, 2017 Balgariya s nay-mnogo zaginali v katastrofi v ES: http://www.dnevnik.bg/evropa/2017/03/28/294... ( [1] В-к. „Дневник“, 2017 България с най-много загинали в катастрофи в ЕС: http://www.dnevnik.bg/evropa/2017/03/28/294... ) [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_wave [3] Souch C. and C. Grimmond, Applied climatology: ‘heat waves, Progress in Physical Geography 28,4 (2004) pp. 599–606 [4] Gocheva A., K. Malcheva. 2010 Extremely Hot Spells on the Territory of Bulgaria. 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