Scientific paper ID 1445 : 2017/3

Petya Stoyanova

The paper examines the different methods and models for designing logistics chains, channels and networks to successfully manage the material flow and the accompanying financial and information flow. The location selection model of a distribution center is a good basis for locating a site where significant investments will be made. This is possible by applying center of gravity models. Models for location of P- logistics center for a logistic network on a criterion - average weighted distance (minimum transport work). The goal of the logistics system is to optimize the target function - to minimize total flow costs. This is the main task in logistics management of the logistics system.

Each logistics system consists of subsystems with separate logistics functions that match the logistics partitions. In general theory, logistics management is described as a share of the logistics management subsystem. An important factor for the management is the level of service with the appropriate criterion and the capacity constraints presented with location models of the P - logistics center. Given the stationary location of the logistics center, it is necessary to take into account constant and variable costs for its detection and transport of the flow on the input / output elements.

избор на местоположение оптимален брой и локация на логистичните обекти минимизиране на общите транспортни разходиLocation selection optimal number and location of logistics sites minimization of total transport costs.Petya Stoyanova


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