Scientific paper ID 1444 : 2017/3

Mirena Todorova

The continuous increase of vehicle fleet and corresponding traffic flows along the urban street network leads to congestions and increased stay of vehicles in the intersection area. To reduce ecological problems and the problem of increased travel time, it is important that the traffic lights are adequate to the current transport flows by directions. In order to optimize traffic control with regard to traffic lights, it is necessary to define the number of phases and their type in the traffic regulation cycle. A new “Method of Sum of Critical Ratios for Signal Cycle” has been proposed to determine the type and number of phases for a single set of traffic lights based on the geometry of junction, the magnitude of traffic flows by directions and the number of lanes as well as considering the critical points and magnitude of flows turning to left. The algorithm steps are described and applied to a four-way intersection.

управление на трафика светофарни уредби цикъл фазиtraffic control and management traffic lights signal cycle phaseMirena Todorova


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