Scientific paper ID 1443 : 2017/3
Jelena Aksentijevic, Andreas Schöbel Within the project Global SAFEty Management Framework for RAIL Operations GoSAFE RAIL, funded by the H2020 Shift2Rail programme with focus on achieving Single European Railway Area (SERA), one work package is dedicated to the development of an integrated rail network model that will incorporate both infrastructure asset (e.g. crossings, tracks, bridges, tunnels) and traffic (e.g. vehicle, freight and passenger movement) data. Furthermore, the micro-level simulation tool OpenTrack will be used for enabling capacity optimisation in order to maximise the availability of the transport network and minimise environmental impacts. Moreover, with this modelling tool, traffic model will be developed that will use multi-criteria optimization algorithms to address complex ments, for both passenger and freight transport. By employing algorithm for optimization and software’s application programming interface (API) in the case study network Zagreb – Rijeka in Croatia, which is a part of the TEN-T network, the behaviour of actual network performance will be simulated as a proof of suitability of solutions provided by the provided optimization algorithm. Finally, an expected impact of the advanced traffic model using scheduling algorithm is a 40% reduction of delays in long-distance traffic.
железопътен транспорт поддържане на инфраструктурата алгоритъм за оптимизиране микро-симулация модел за изчисляване на трафика минимизиране на енергопоглъщаемосттаrail operations infrastructure maintenance optimization algorithm micro-simulationJelena Aksentijevic Andreas Schöbel BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] European Railway Agency, Intermediate report on the development of railway safety in the European Union 2013. [2] GoSAFE Rail project: http://shift2rail.org/projects/GoSAFE-rail/... [3] Mittermayr, R., Blieberger, J. and Schöbel, A. 2012. Kronecker algebra-based deadlock analysis for railway systems. Traffic Planning. 24(5): 359-369. [4] Luethi M. (2009): Structure and Simulation Evaluation of an Integrated Real-Time Rescheduling System for Railway Networks, Journal of Networks and Spatial Economics, vol 9, Issue 1, pp. 103-121. [5] Gibson, J. Train Performance Calculators and Simulation Models. Handout, Transportation Research Board, “TRB Workshop on Railroad Capacity and Corridor Planning.” January 13, 2002. [6] Huerlimann, D. Object oriented modeling in railways, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14281, 2001 (in German). [7] OpenTrack Railway Technology: www.opentrack.at [8] railML: www.railml.org [9] Huerlimann, D. and Nash, A. OpenTrack – Simulation of Railway Networks. User Manual Version 1.3, ETH Zurich, Institute for Transportation Planning and Systems, May 2003, Page 58. |