Scientific paper ID 1442 : 2017/3
Zoran Čekerevac, Jelena Maletić The choice of the location of a dry port is a very complex process of the multicriteria decision making. The port should be located next to the larger city that has a high-quality rail and/or road connection to the port, enough qualified workers, to possess a proper intermodal technology, etc. The basis of the selection of a location consists of six key ments that determine it: the distances and the amount of flow in transportation, a level of the economic development of priority areas, the state of the infrastructure, the degree of the trade development, the d level of environmental protection, and the minimum cost. This paper analyzes some of the factors determining the choice and the importance of the logistics center, and the problems that occur when making decisions. It points to the need to use multi-criteria analysis. There are shown some of the models for the choosing of the location of dry port terminals, and allocation of users to new dry ports. Into the focus, there are placed the problems of the single allocation dry port median with unlimited capacity, and problems of the single allocation dry port median with limited capacity. Also, here is presented a proposal of one allocation model of dry port concept establishing. The model is tested in the case of the port of Bar.
пристанищен терминал за обработка на насипни товари проблеми при определяне на местоположението моделиранеdry port terminal allocation problem modelingZoran Čekerevac Jelena Maletić BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] B. Davidović, Modeliranje i odlučivanje u logističkim procesima, Beograd: AGM knjiga, 2016. [2] A. Dwivedi and N. Park, ”An Integrated Optimization Model for Distribution Center Location with Consideration of Population and Income,” in Proceeding of 2013 International Conference, Phuket, Thailand, 2013. [3] M. Kühn, K. Seidel, J. Tholen and G. Warsewa, Governance and Conflict Resolution in Dryport Planning, Bremen, Germany: IAW of the University of Bremen, 2012. [4] V. Roso, The Dry port concept. Doctoral Thesis, Goteborg, Sweden: Department of Logistics and Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, 2009. [5] F. Barthel, BGLC task 3.3 – Benchmarking and Development of Dry ports, Gavle, Sweden: Bothnian Green Logistics Corridor, 2013. [6] D. Tsamboulas, P. Moraiti, and A. Lekka, Port Performance Evaluation for Port Community System Implementation, Athens: TRB Annual meeting, 2012. |