Scientific paper ID 1440 : 2017/3
Boyan Mednikarov, Daniela Todorova, Siyana Lutzkanova, Ivo Yotsov The geopolitical and geoeconomic aspects of the new transport and economic corridors in Eurasia are studied in the current publication. At the same time their impact on the development of the Republic of Bulgaria and its future coverage by these corridors is evaluated. In 2017, after a Belt and Road Initiative second summit, the institutionalization of the Chinese largest project was prolonged. This was done in the frame of long-term energy and commercial projects and long-term debates in Europe. The main purpose of this large project is to expand Chinese economic impact on Europe.
The geostrategic and political opportunities for Bulgaria as a result of this project should be studied. These opportunities should be also realized in the context of many energy and commercial EU projects, concerning the diversification, anti-monopoly policy and etc. From political point of view, the EU has not introduced an official policy about the mega project. The North and Central Trans-Eurasia economic corridors, as well as the South Caucasus transport corridor that links the Black Sea, China, Azerbaijan and Georgia are of interest for the EU and Bulgaria. The answer to the main question whether the transport corridors that reach Azerbaijan and Georgia could reach the Bulgarian territory by sea as well, leads to reconsideration of the main priorities of the country, taking into account the contemporary political environment. If such a scenario could be realised in the long run, then such an opportunity should not be missed. транспортни коридори геостратегически и политически възможности Евразия „Пътя на коприната“transport corridors geostrategic and political opportunities projects Eurasia Belt and Road Initiative.Boyan Mednikarov Daniela Todorova Siyana Lutzkanova Ivo Yotsov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Andree Nistor, Silk Road Association, ThePort of Constanta – Major Hubonthe Silk Road, 5 Apr 2017, https://www.google.bg/q=project+for+strateg... [2] Bartosz Kowalski, “China’sforeignpolicytowards Central and Eastern Europe: The ‘16+1’ for matinthe South–South cooperation perspective. Cases of the Czech Republic and Hungary,” Cambridge Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2017, 1: 7R65ZH, https://doi.org/10.22261/7R65ZH, стр.13-14. [3] Development of Transport and Infrastructurein Eurasia, II ASA project “Challenges and Opportunities of Economic Integration with in a Wider European and Eurasian Space, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis”, August 2016. [4] James Kynge, Arthur Beesley, Andrew Byrne, EU setsco llision course with Chinaover „SilkRoad” railproject, 20 Feb 2017, https://www.ft.com/content/003bad14-f52f-11... https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-c... [5] Justyna Szczudlik, The Chinese Perspective on Relations with the U.S. under Donald Trump’sAdministration, PISM Bulletinno. 4 (944), 17Jan 2017, https://www.pism.pl/publications/bulletin/n... [6] Philippele Corre, Orderfrom Chaos, Europe’s Mixed Viewson China’s One Belt One Road Initiative, 23 May 2017, https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-c... [7] Vugar Bayramov, Christina Juan Carrion, The Silk Road Economic Belt: Implications For Azerbaijan, CESD, http://cesd.az/new/wp-content/uploads/2017/... [8] https://akipress.com/news:577262/ [9] http://www.anaklia development.com/projects/anaklia-port. [10] http://azertag.az/en/xeber/Azerbaijan_is_a_... [11] http://www.capital.bg/biznes/pazari/2015/11... [12] http://www.capital.bg/politika_i_ikonomika/... problemi. [13] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/th... 2001.htmlus [14] http://www.clearias.com/international-north... [15] http://www.dnevnik.bg/sviat/2017/07/26/3012... [16] http://www.eurasia review.com/13042016-one-belt-one-road-one-singapore-analysis/ [17] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/connected-eu... [18] https://uk.tmembassy.gov.tm/en/sustainable-... |