Scientific paper ID 1420 : 2017/1

Simeon Ananiev, Sugirali Sarbaev, Nazdana Adilova

JSC “Arcelor Mittal Temirtau” is the largest enterprise of the mining and metallurgical branch of Kazakhstan. The production capacity of the metallurgical plant in Temirtau is 3.5 million tons of steel, cast iron- 3.2 million tons, flat-rolled products - 3.1 million tons. The steel production will be increased to 6 million tons per year and production of complex alloys with a capacity of 75 thousand tonsper year.

The processes of material movement of metallurgical enterprises from the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of finished products are characterized by the presence of transport links, which together with production plants and units form the production and transport system (PTS). The leading role in these transportations is carried out by railway transport. Therefore, the effectiveness of the operation of the company”s PTS is largely determined by the level of interaction between production and transport. Modern conditions for managing the transportation process on industrial rail transport are characterized by inconsistencies in the operation of the transport and production subsystems caused by different cycle times of technological aggregates and high unevenness of the carload streams. At the same time, it is possible to achieve high-quality transport services only at the expense of significant reserves of vehicles, which are currently laid in contact schedules.

Ключевые слова: оптимизация промышленный транспорт металлургический комбинат металлургическая продукция железнодорожный комплекс материалодвижение оптимизация модернизация грузоперевозки технологический процесс производственно-транспортная систеSimeon Ananiev Sugirali Sarbaev Nazdana Adilova


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