Scientific paper ID 1418 : 2017/1

Miryana Evtimova, Veselin Stoyanov

Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth s implementation of new state of the technique and the technology. For the establishment of the trans-European rail system as part of the Single European Transport Area for mobility without internal borders is necessary to ensure interoperability of national networks for rail.

This article present an analysis of the need for risk assessment at the work in the trans-European rail system to ensure occupational safety and health of the employees. The basic ments for this system and its interoperability are presented. The subsystems of structural and functional character are presented. For the subsystem ”rolling stock” the key elements for the implementation of interoperability are describing. A review of the existing legal framework and scope of the risk assessment is made. The model for risk assessment for safety and health at work of employees of the trans-European rail system, as specified tools and methods that can be applied, is proposed.

In conclusion, the need for a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach using the modern tools and methods for risk assessment to ensure safe and healthy working conditions in the application of the factors such as technical development, environmental protection, and regarding of their psychological, economic and social aspects into the subsystem ”rolling stock” of the trans-European rail system is ground.

Оценка риск безопасност и здраве при работа трансевропейска железопътна система.Assessment risk safety and health trans-European rail system.Miryana Evtimova Veselin Stoyanov


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