Scientific paper ID 1416 : 2017/1

Tihomir Vasilev, Victorya Sabeva, Elisaveta Ivanova

With the use of 3D printing technology, layer by layer extrusion is possible printing of construction objects, but printers represent a large size and mobility limited metal construction. The main reason for the large size of constructions for existing structures of 3D pritners for building objects are large strains of bending moments that construction must take. In a new scheme of 3D printer called ”Delta Wired 3D Printer”, the large stress created from bending moments are transformed in normal stress from tension. At this time, the printer has been developed as a conceptual project is therefore theoretically necessary to identify efforts in wires which is to be suspended extruders (load). Accurate identification of the efforts in wires is necessary to determine the load on individual elements, their deformation and determining the diameter of wires. Use the methods for determining the efforts wires are classically, the first of which is the creation of a system of equations for a static identifiable system of forces, and the second solving the system of equations using Cramer’s rule. In the course of theoretical studies found that efforts in wires are different for each coordinate of the intersection between the three wearing clone of the printer. This led to other deformations the pillars and different deflection of load for which it is necessary to do further research. By analyzing the plots graphics can be defined pattern, which is known to be efforts in the wires within the specified interval.

Делта 3D въжен принтер печатане на строителни обекти мобилен 3D принтерdelta wired 3d printer printing of building objects mobile 3d printerTihomir Vasilev Victorya Sabeva Elisaveta Ivanova


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