Scientific paper ID 1412 : 2017/1
Maya Lambovska This paper presents a model for evaluation of the structural stability of the organization to its bearers of threats. The model is based on the catastrophe theory and the theory of parties concerned. This paper is worked out in two sections. Concept of the model is presented in the first section. Procedure for evaluation of structural (in)stability of the organization in respect to its licensing institutions (bearers of threats) is worked out in the second section. The procedure refers to particular fourth degree functions of threat representing “cusp” type catastrophe.
теория на катастрофите структурна устойчивост заплахи катастрофа тип “витло”.catastrophe theory structural stability threats “cusp” type catastrophe.Maya Lambovska BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Thom, R., Structural Stability and Morphogenesis: An Outline of a General Theory of Models. Addison-Wesley, MA, 1989, https://www.exploratorium.edu/complexity/Co... . [2] Simeonov, O., Lambovska, M., Control over threats. Georg, Zilina, 2010. [3] Niyli, A., Perspektivi za razvitie na biznesa. Izmervane na pokazatelite za sastoyanieto na vashiya biznes. Klasika i stil, Sofiya, 2001. ( [3] Нийли, А., Перспективи за развитие на бизнеса. Измерване на показателите за състоянието на вашия бизнес. Класика и стил, София, 2001. ) [4] Zivanovic, N., Zivanovic, V., Todorova D., Reengineering of business processes – strategy of turning points in crisis management. “Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, br. 2, 2010, http://www.mtc-aj.com/academic-journal?body... . ( [4] Zivanovic, N., Zivanovic, V., Todorova D., Reengineering of business processes – strategy of turning points in crisis management. “Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, бр. 2, 2010, http://www.mtc-aj.com/academic-journal?body... . ) [5] Stoyanov, I., Upravlenska politika. Nauchno znanie, br. 10, Institut na obshtestvo na znanieto, Sofiya, 2014. ( [5] Стоянов, И., Управленска политика. Научно знание, бр. 10, Институт на общество на знанието, София, 2014. ) [6] Kuchin, B., Yakusheva, E., Upravlenie razvitiem ekonomicheskih sistem: tehnicheskiy progress, ustoychivost. Ekonomika, Moskva, 1990. ( [6] Кучин, Б., Якушева, Е., Управление развитием экономических систем: технический прогресс, устойчивост. Экономика, Москва, 1990. ) [7] Kuznetsov, A., Fundamentalnyye efekti, k kotoryye privodit nelineynost. http://sgtnd.narod.ru/papers/Lect03.pdf . ( [7] Кузнецов, А., Фундаментальные ефекти, к которые приводит нелинейность. http://sgtnd.narod.ru/papers/Lect03.pdf . ) |