Scientific paper ID 1404 : 2016/3

Tsvetelina Simeonova

It was made research of the impact on the individual risk at amendment in the intensity of movement and the percentage of types road vehicles, crossing through a level crossing. For this purpose has been used a simulation model of near real movement of trains and road vehicles through level crossing with automatic crossing devices. In the model is adopted certain input and output parameters, described in tabular form.

Obtained graphical results and conclusions are shown how changes in the input parameters influence to the individual risk. The research allows for risk assessment and other parameters examined in new systems and their comparison with parameters of exploited systems, until the system to meet the ments of the European standards. The simulation model is verified by using the input data with the predetermined results.

риск опасност експлоатация осигурителни системиTsvetelina Simeonova


[1] EN 50126. Railway Applications – The specification and demonstration of dependability – reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS). CENELEC. September 1999.

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[3] Simeonova Ts. Usloviya na funktsionirane na simulatsionen model za otsenka na riska, otchitasht vliyanieto na osiguritelnite sistemi na prelez. Sp. „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, Sofiya, broy 2, statiya № 0757, 2012.
( [3] Симеонова Ц. Условия на функциониране на симулационен модел за оценка на риска, отчитащ влиянието на осигурителните системи на прелез. Сп. „Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, София, брой 2, статия № 0757, 2012. )

[4] Simeonova Tsv., E. Ivanov Simulation model of risk for participants in the movement through level crossing. Information Technologies and Control, ISSN 1312-2622, №4, 2012, rr 9-16 (Simulatsionen model na riska za uchastnitsite v dvizhenieto prez zh.p. prelez).
( [4] Simeonova Tsv., E. Ivanov Simulation model of risk for participants in the movement through level crossing. Information Technologies and Control, ISSN 1312-2622, №4, 2012, рр 9-16 (Симулационен модел на риска за участниците в движението през ж.п. прелез). )




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