Scientific paper ID 1401 : 2016/3

Mariya Hristova, Hristo Hristov, Plamen Atanasov

The article s studies in the scientific literature, corporate materials and real working systems that allow for a summarization and classification of the notions and problems in critical systems by relevancy of safety. Issues and concepts in critical safety systems are established, derived, summarized and categorized, and the hierarchical relations between them are defined. The approach of taxonomy as a science of classification and systematization of complex systems has been used. The systematic place and the relationship between errors and faults, resulting failures and their consequences for the safety systems, has been found. The means to detect failures and stopping their dangerous effects (fail-safe) and the means of tolerance (fault tolerance) of refusals by which increases fault tolerance of the system have been systematized. The hierarchy of the different types of tests, the homogeneous and diversity reserve as a means to achieve greater reliability and better identification of failures is shown in the proposed classification scheme.

надеждност сигурност таксономия критични по безопасност системи критичен по безопасност софтуер отказоустойчивост.reliability security taxonomy safety critical systems safety critical software fault toleranceMariya Hristova Hristo Hristov Plamen Atanasov


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