Scientific paper ID 1395 : 2016/3
Emiliya Dimitrova In this paper, the principles of construction of systems for remote monitoring and control of objects and processes in modern buildings are examined. Such systems are increasingly being deployed to meet the rising ments exercisable in respect of the microclimate in the administrative, industrial, and residential buildings especially in some special-purpose buildings (hospitals, museums, etc.). The principles and specific features in the development of SCADA-systems for building automation are discussed, particular attention is paid to processes and facilities that must be placed under remote monitoring and control. An example system with the necessary components and devices is shown and functions they must perform are defined.
интелигентни сгради SCADA-системи сградна автоматизацияIntelligent buildings SCADA-systems building automationEmiliya Dimitrova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BDS EN 15232:2012 – Energiyni harakteristiki na sgradi. Vazdeystvie na sistemite za avtomatizatsiya, upravlenie i kontrol na sgradite, 2012 ( [1] БДС EN 15232:2012 – Енергийни характеристики на сгради. Въздействие на системите за автоматизация, управление и контрол на сградите, 2012 ) [2] Goranov E., E. Dimitrova, Sistemi za distantsionen kontrol i upravlenie v transporta, Sofiya, VTU, 2010 ( [2] Горанов Е., Е. Димитрова, Системи за дистанционен контрол и управление в транспорта, София, ВТУ, 2010 ) [3] Sistemi za sgradna avtomatizatsiya, sp. „Stroiteli - stroitelna tehnika, materiali, tehnologii, instrumenti“, godina IX, br. 1, mart 2012 ( [3] Системи за сградна автоматизация, сп. „Строители - строителна техника, материали, технологии, инструменти“, година IX, бр. 1, март 2012 ) [4] Otvoreni sistemi za sgradna avtomatizatsiya, Katalog, Schneider Electric, 2011 ( [4] Отворени системи за сградна автоматизация, Каталог, Schneider Electric, 2011 ) [5] Sgradni tehnologii i Sistemi za sgradna avtomatizatsiya- Simens, available at: http://w5.siemens.com/web/bg/bg/corporate/p... ( [5] Сградни технологии и Системи за сградна автоматизация- Сименс, available at: http://w5.siemens.com/web/bg/bg/corporate/p... ) |