Scientific paper ID 1391 : 2016/3
Zoran Čekerevac, Stanislav Glumac, Jelena Maletić Thanks to applying of the newest achievements in the information and communication technologies (ICT), Truck and Trace systems experienced their rapid development. Users can benefit from the wide range of services as real-time giving the information about the traffic conditions, generating different traffic messages or signs on traffic displays, displaying warnings about traffic accidents, and traffic jams, including the expected delays on the route,location of the vehicle and/or load, and so on. ICTallow the control and adaptive road traffic management. For such applications implementation, it is necessary to possess adequate data.
If the supply chains are understood as series of the basic logistics functions (transport, reloading, storage), it is not difficult to conclude that they coincide with the information chains that represent adequate physical activities. Related to the information flows’ management, it is to expect that the information flows are precursors to the commodity flows. The information flows need to ensure timely and smoothly functioning of the physical processes in the logistics chains, with optimal costs. The article considers some of the characteristics and the possibilities of implementation of the Truck and Trace technologies in the supply chains. Special attention is paid to some basic load identification technologies used to support the Truck and Trace systems, as thebarcode, RFID,and OCR. верига на доставките проследяване трасиране информационни технологии комуникационни технологии бар код RFID OCR.Supply chain track trace information technology communication technology bar-code RFID OCR.Zoran Čekerevac Stanislav Glumac Jelena Maletić BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Information Resources Management Association, Big Data: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, 2016. [2] A. Shamsuzzoha and P. T. Helo, ”Real-time Tracking and Tracing System: Potentials for the Logistics Network,” in Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Kuala Lumpur, 2011. [3] J. Berman, ”Q&A: Abtin Hamidi, chief vice president and co-founder of CargoChief,” Logistics management, 30 Nov 2015. [Online] Available: http://www.logisticsmgmt.com/article/qa_abt... [Accessed 05 Aug 2016] [4] n.d., ”Mobile Solutions for Material Handling: Reliability rules, even as uses and devices evolve,” May 2015. [Online] Available: http://supplychainservices.com/files/4114/3... [5] A. D. C. (. B. D. Piasecki, ”Automated Data Collection (ADC) Basics,” 2012. [Online] Available: http://www.inventoryops.com/ADC.htm. [6] Z. Čekerevac, S. Matić, D. Đurić, D. Čelebić i Z. Dvorak, „SDD ITG ”smart shelf” RFID rešenje za inventarisanje robe naudaljenimpolicama,“ IMK-14 - Istraživanje irazvoj, t. 16, br. 4, pp. 47-52, 2010. ( [6] Z. Čekerevac, S. Matić, D. Đurić, D. Čelebić и Z. Dvorak, „SDD ITG ”smart shelf” RFID rešenje za inventarisanje robe naudaljenimpolicama,“ IMK-14 - Istraživanje irazvoj, т. 16, бр. 4, pp. 47-52, 2010. ) [7] Z. Čekerevac, S. Matić and D. Đurić, ”“ITGfdc-1“ Fuel Dispenser Control System as the Technical Solution for Preventing of Non Authorized Fuel Tanking,” in Proc. 11th International Scientific Conference devoted to Crises Situations Solution in Specific Environment, , Žilina, 2006. [8] n.d., ”Carmen ACCR - ISO container code recognition software library,” 2014. [Online] Available: http://www.adaptiverecognition.com/20140520... [9] Sickinsight, ”Lector620 OCR: The best choice for optical character recognition,” 30 Apr 2014. [Online] Available: http://www.sickinsight-online.com/lector620... [10] Gartner, ”IT Glossary,” 2016. [Online] Available: http://www.gartner.com/it-glossary/track-an... [Accessed 30 07 2016] [11] S. Hockenberger, ”Track and Trace: Business Benefits Beyond Compliance,” 08 Dec 2014. [Online] Available: http://www.sdcexec.com/article/12019068/tra... [12] n.d., ”The advantages and disadvantages of the three main types of GPS vehicle tracking,” 04 May 2010. [Online] Available: http://bestgarminc340.blogspot.rs/2010/05/a... [13] G. Mastros, ”Pros and cons of GPS Vehicle Tracking...,” 01 May 2012. [Online] Available: http://www.busboss.com/Blog/bid/137149/Pros... [14] UPNA, ”Public University of Navarre, Bilbomatica and University of Deusto Foundation collaborate on real-time rail freight traceability project,” 10 Jan 2012. [Online] Available: http://www.basqueresearch.com/new/public-un... [15] P. Leviakangas and S. Holmberg, ”Internet-based international rail freight monitoring - The RailTrace system,” in Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent systems, Turin, Italy, 2000. [16] S.-L. Holmberg, ”Telematic solutions for the Finnish Railways,” 14 Aug 2007. [Online] Available: http://tseprojekti.utu.fi/dagob/admin/Secur... [17] I. Mickelsson, Project Plan (1), RailTrack. Unpublished working document, Helsinki: EDI Management Finland Ltd (now Confidea Consulting), 1997. [18] ”TEDIM Leading Logistics Cooperation Forum in the Northern Dimension,” 2008. [Online] Available: http://www.transport-research.info/programm... |