Scientific paper ID 1388 : 2016/3
Rainer Matthes Electrical traction with then energy supply by overhead contact lines is the most efficient, most economic and environmentally friendly mean of land transport for persons and goods. The replacement of electrical traction with contact lines by energy storage solution other traction types is not visible.
контактна мрежа контактен проводник жизнен цикъл.overhead contact line contact wire lifecycle.Rainer Matthes BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kießling, F., Puschmann, R.,Schmieder, A., Contact Lines for Electric Railways. 2001 Publicis Corporate Publishing, Munich Erlangen [2] Bausch, J., Kießling, F., Semrau, M.: Hochfester Fahrdraht aus Kupfer-Magnesium legierung (High-strength contact wire made of copper magnesium alloy). In: Elektrische Bahnen 92 (1994) 11, pp. 295 to 300 [3] Becker, K,, Resch, U., Rukwied, A., Zweig, B.-W.: Lebensdauer modellierung von Oberleitungen (Modelling of the life cycle of overhead contact lines). In: Elektrische Bahnen 94 (1996) 11, pp. 329 to 336 [4] Kökényesi, M., Kunz, D.: Oberleitung Sicat SX – Zulassung und Betriebserfahrungen in Ungarn (Overhead contact line Sicat SX- Approval and operational experience in Hungary). In: Elektrische Bahnen 111 (2013) 6-7, pp 440 to 444 [5] Balomiri, A., Matthes, R.: Elektrifizierung der Strecke Parvomai – Dimitrovgrad in Bulgarien (Electrification of the Parvomay – Dimitrovgrad Line in Bulgaria). In: Elektrische Bahnen 111 (2013) 6-7, pp. 386 to 391 |