Scientific paper ID 1379 : 2016/3
Vasil Dimitrov In this paper a laboratory systemfor electronic energy meters testing has been developed. Two energy meters have been mounted – a direct one and one connected via current transformers. A modem and appropriate protective equipmenthave also been mounted in the dashboard. An opportunity of simultaneous operation of two meters and the comparison of readings has been ensured. Methods for laboratory examinations and tests by instrumentation with high accuracy are also developed: study ofcorrectreporting of Energyconsumption and measurement of the current consumption and verification of accuracy in the electricity parametersmeasuring.Laboratory system for work with energy meters and verification of their accuracy is very useful in research, inthe learning process and testing activities.
електромер коректно отчитане на потребената енергияEnergy Meter Correct Reporting of Energy ConsumptionVasil Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Tehnicheska spetsifikatsiya na elektromer ASE5000, Actaris, 2009 ( [1] Техническа спецификация на електромер АСЕ5000, Actaris, 2009 ) [2] Tehnicheska spetsifikatsiya na elektromer L+G_ZMD120AR44, Landis&Gir, 2006 ( [2] Техническа спецификация на електромер L+G_ZMD120AR44, Landis&Gir, 2006 ) [3] Petrov I., V. Dimitrov, Sistemi za avtomatichno upravlenie – rakovodstvo za uprazhneniya, VTU, Sofiya, 2012 ( [3] Петров И., В. Димитров, Системи за автоматично управление – ръководство за упражнения, ВТУ, София, 2012 ) |