Scientific paper ID 1378 : 2016/3

Vasil Dimitrov

In this paper a laboratory stand that offer opportunities for an asynchronous drive testing has been designed and built. The induction motor is driven by the soft starter Altistart АTS01N209QN, developed by Schneider Electric Co. The load of the motor has been realized with an electromagnetic brake and an opportunity of reversing of the motor has been ensured. Methods for laboratory examinations and tests by instrumentation with high accuracy are developed: study of theinfluence of thestart-upandramp-downtimeson the drive performance and a comparison with testing of a directly plugged in the grid asynchronous drive can also be made. The laboratory stand gives opportunitiesof research and student’s practical training. A possibility of optimal soft starter set-up according to the load through right choice of the ramp-up and ramp-down times has been ensured and maximum efficiency in the transient regimes can be achieved.

асинхронно задвижване софт стартер преходни режимиAsynchronous drive soft starter transient regimesVasil Dimitrov


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