Scientific paper ID 1359 : 2016/3

Yanitsa Ivanova

The relationship between wheel and rail is fundamental to explain the dynamic running behavior of a railway vehicle. Among the parameters by which the dynamic behavior of a rail vehicle is characterized, the conicity plays an essential role which influences the vehicle dynamic performance directly. The equivalent conicity allows the satisfactory appreciation of the wheel-rail contact on tangent track and on very large-radius curves. In order to sustain a good running behavior of the vehicle on the track, to prevent wheel, rail and track damage and it the worst case the risk of a derailment the equivalent conicity must remain within given limits. Several different methods for calculation of the equivalent conicity exist and some of them are considered in this paper.

еквивалентна коничност връзка колело-релсаequivalent conicity wheel-rail contactYanitsa Ivanova


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