Scientific paper ID 1347 : 2016/3

Venelin Pavlov

The main technical solutions for passive safety in passenger wagons developed and betting in the design, construction, commissioning and operation of railways itself by a single regulation and safety ments.

To be determined and assessed the sustainability ments of a collision, it is necessary to establish scenarios for the clash in terms of speed collision and the type and mass of potential obstacles. For normal European operating conditions comparable to those of the analysis of incidents collision applicable are the parameters of collision scenarios and related ments for collisions listed in item 5 referred to in standard EN15227: 2008 + A1: 2010 standard to crashworthiness design category CI (according to Table 1 of EN15227: 2008 Section 4).

Case study-limiting for each scenario depends on the control systems and active safety of the train and the characteristics of the infrastructure, as well as by the masses and the operating speeds on the railway vehicles. In some cases, scenarios for impact and their parameters for some operations could be contained in the legislation. In such cases, legislation should be consistent with and may be taken as a limiting case.

The publication reviewed regulations and ments for safety may in domestic and international railway transport, as well as processes of investigation and causes of train collisions getting. Analyze technical solutions for ensuring passive safety of passenger wagons and prerequisites for the emergence of railway collisions getting.

инциденти сценариите за сблъсък регламенти изисквания технически решения жп произшествия пасивна безопасност.accident scenarios collision regulations requirements technical solutions train accidents passive safety.Venelin Pavlov


[1] EN 12663-1:2010: Railway applications - Structural ments of railway vehicle bodies - Part 1: Locomotives and passenger rolling stock (and alternative method for freight wagons) (Zhelezopatna tehnika. Iziskvaniya kam konstruktsiyata na koshovete na zhelezopatnoto prevozno sredstvo. Chast 1: Lokomotivi i patnicheski podvizhen sastav (alternativen))
( [1] EN 12663-1:2010: Railway applications - Structural ments of railway vehicle bodies - Part 1: Locomotives and passenger rolling stock (and alternative method for freight wagons) (Железопътна техника. Изисквания към конструкцията на кошовете на железопътното превозно средство. Част 1: Локомотиви и пътнически подвижен състав (алтернативен)) )

[2] EN 15227:2008+A1:2010: Railway applications – Crashworthiness ments for railway vehicle bodies (BDS EN 15227:2008+A1:2010 Zhelezopatna tehnika. Iziskvaniya za ustoychivost na udar na koshovete na vagonite na zhelezopatnoto prevozno sredstvo)
( [2] EN 15227:2008+A1:2010: Railway applications – Crashworthiness ments for railway vehicle bodies (БДС EN 15227:2008+A1:2010 Железопътна техника. Изисквания за устойчивост на удар на кошовете на вагоните на железопътното превозно средство) )

[3] a crash buffer for railway vehicles, wagons or passenger coaches - Venelin Pavlov, Dobrinka Atmadzhova




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