Scientific paper ID 1324 : 2016/3
Nikolai Perenovski, Zhivko Iliev Hydraulic transport is transfer of a variety of materials on a ground state in pipes and channels. It has been used in almost all types of industries. This type of transportation is widely spreadbecause of using of cost-effective pipe systems. These systems are easily built and operated, they are reliable and possess a real possibility of automating. The major element of any hydro transportation system is dynamic pump. Its work directly affects the efficiency of the entire system. Reducing the power consumption and efficient using of the engine also may increase efficiency.
Computer simulation of the operation of centrifugal pump designed for coal hydro transportation is made in this report. A computer model of pump type 3GM - 2 by using a software product for 3D modeling ”SolidWorks” is synthesized. Integrated module ”FloWokrs” for computational fluid simulation is used for the analysis of the results. Proposals to optimize the selection of the electric motor depending on the density of the sludge have been done. The fluid flow rate at the inlet and outlet of the pump is detected. Capacity of the motor for different modes of operation is determined. хидротранспорт шламова помпа компютърен флуиден анализ метод на крайните елементи.Hydraulic slurry pump computational fluid analysis finite element method.Nikolai Perenovski Zhivko Iliev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kuzmanov A., Glabadanidis T., “Rudnichen transport i podem“,izd. „Tehnika“ Sofiya1990g. ( [1] Кузманов А., Глабаданидис Т., “Рудничен транспорт и подем“,изд. „Техника“ София1990г. ) [2] Perenovski N., “Rakovodstvo za uprazhneniya po mehanika na fluidite“. Izd. „Sv. Ivan Rilski“, Sofiya, 2012g. ( [2] Переновски Н., “Ръководство за упражнения по механика на флуидите“. Изд. „Св. Иван Рилски“, София, 2012г. ) [3] Perenovski N., „Rakovodstvo za seminarni i laboratorni uprazhneniya po rudnichni ventilatorni i vodootlivni uredbi“ Izd. „SV. Ivan Rilski“, Sofiya, 2015g. ( [3] Переновски Н., „Ръководство за семинарни и лабораторни упражнения по руднични вентилаторни и водоотливни уредби“ Изд. „СВ. Иван Рилски“, София, 2015г. ) [4] Iliev Zh., “Determination of technological parameters of hydro transport installation for coals “XIII National conference with international participation of the open and underwater mining of minerals, Varna, 2015. |