Scientific paper ID 1318 : 2016/3
Petya Koralova As a result of Bulgarian membership in the European Union after 2007, the tendency for development of air passenger transport is toward increasing the number of passengers carried, as in 2014 there is a growth of two times compared to 2007. On the other hand, this mode of transport is more affordable for the medium class population, as a consequence of the emergence of low-cost aviation companies, which made the competitiveness with national carriers much fiercer.
In this regard, the main objective of the current paper is to reveal the possibilities to assess the effectiveness of air passenger services, through analysis of system of indicators, which consist of number of passengers carried, air transport services turnover, air transport prices index and passenger load factor. In the conclusion, the results of the research are summarized. въздушен транспорт ефективност; пътническа превозна работа.air transport effectiveness; passengers carried.Petya Koralova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Mutafchiev L., ”Ikonomika na transporta”, zapiski, UNSS, Sofiya, 2001 g.. ( [1] Мутафчиев Л., ”Икономика на транспорта”, записки, УНСС, София, 2001 г.. ) [2] Strukturna biznes statistika, definitsii, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics... dostap na 01.06.2016 g. ( [2] Структурна бизнес статистика, дефиниции, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics... достъп на 01.06.2016 г. ) [3] Natsionalen statisticheski institut, Indeks na potrebitelskite tseni – metodologiya, http://www.nsi.bg/sites/default/files/files... dostap na 01.06.2016 g. ( [3] Национален статистически институт, Индекс на потребителските цени – методология, http://www.nsi.bg/sites/default/files/files... достъп на 01.06.2016 г. ) [4] Boshnakov V., Chipeva S., „Vavedenie v ikonometriyata”, Izdatelski kompleks na UNSS, Sofiya, 2015 g. ( [4] Бошнаков В., Чипева С., „Въведение в иконометрията”, Издателски комплекс на УНСС, София, 2015 г. ) |