Scientific paper ID 1315 : 2016/3
Vlado Kaloyanov This paper aims to examine some aspects of the economic consequences of road accidents in Bulgaria. It provides a review of the strategic documents in support of improving the safety of traffic and bringing data from different sources about the amount of damages from catastrophes for the Bulgarian economy as a percentage of GDP.Statistical data about the victims and injured as a result ff road accidents are presented. The accent is on the ”Crash cost” method for classifying and determining the amount of market and non-market costs caused by road accidents through ”Crash cost distribution”. As far as market costs are referred to, three main groups of factors are defined including their influence over the allocation of road accident damages. There are also non-market costs, which have an indirect impact on the economy. Theresults obtained from the application of the method for research purposed conducted in the EU in 2003 are reported. Cited are both Bulgarian and foreign print and electronic sources.
Crash Crash разпределение на разходите пазарни разходи разходите за непазарни пътни инциденти катастрофи системни външни фактори;Crash Crash cost distribution market costs non-market costs road accidents catastrophe system external factors;Vlado Kaloyanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Natsionalnata strategiya za podobryavane na bezopasnostta na dvizhenieto po patishtata na Republika Balgariya za perioda 2007 - 2010 g. ( [1] Националната стратегия за подобряване на безопасността на движението по пътищата на Република България за периода 2007 - 2010 г. ) [2] Natsionalnata strategiya za podobryavane bezopasnostta na dvizhenieto po patishtata na Republika Balgariya za perioda 2011 - 2020 g, ( [2] Националната стратегия за подобряване безопасността на движението по пътищата на Република България за периода 2011 - 2020 г, ) [3]c.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained ( [3]c.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-еxplained ) [4] www.vsekiden.com (25.10.2010) [5] Po danni na godishniya doklad na ERF za 2013g. ( [5] По данни на годишния доклад на ERF за 2013г. ) [6] http://bca.transportationeconomics.org/bene... [7] Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis II – Safety and Health Costs Victoria Transport Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org), p.5.3 – 39 |