Scientific paper ID 1311 : 2016/3
Antoaneta Kirova Business ecosystem is enriched model of ”micro” businesses with essential role in promoting the binding of small and medium businesses and creating ”business communities.” The competitiveness of SMEs is strongly influenced by business ecosystems as well as by specific measures for promoting such enterprises at national and European level.The impact of these measures on small transport and logistics companies are essential since they are subject to intense national and international competition.
Despite the fact that in the current financial programming period the accent of the economic prosperity of Europe in the long term is based primarily on industrial development, transport and logistics represent an important part of the European economy. The need for sustainable development of SMEs in the transport sector is a key factor towards the achievement of European economy with ecological features. бизнес екосистема инструмент за финансиране на МСП типове предприемачески рискbusiness ecosystem SMEs financial instrument types of entrepreneurial risksAntoaneta Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Initsiativata za MSP: Nov garantsionen produkt za biznes krediti.Obshti cherti i sravnenie s DZhEREMI instrumentite, http://www.opcompetitiveness.bg/images/modu... ( [1] Инициативата за МСП: Нов гаранционен продукт за бизнес кредити.Общи черти и сравнение с ДЖЕРЕМИ инструментите, http://www.opcompetitiveness.bg/images/modu... ) [2] Sporazumenie mezhdu kreditorite otnosno initsiativata za MSP mezhdu Republika Balgariya, ES, EIB i EIF, (Ratifitsirano sas zakon, priet ot 43-to Narodno sabranie na 14.04.2016 g.), DV, br. 33/2016 g. (v sila ot 26.04.2016 g.), MI,Obn. DV. br.37/17.05.2016g., ( [2] Споразумение между кредиторите относно инициативата за МСП между Република България, ЕС, ЕИБ и ЕИФ, (Ратифицирано със закон, приет от 43-то Народно събрание на 14.04.2016 г.), ДВ, бр. 33/2016 г. (в сила от 26.04.2016 г.), МИ,Обн. ДВ. бр.37/17.05.2016г., ) [3] The SME Instrument, HORIZON 2020, https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020... [4] Smart, Green and Integrated Transport, HORIZON 2020, https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020... |