Scientific paper ID 1307 : 2016/3
Teodor Berov This paper presents a vehicle routing problem for electric vehiclesin urban zone.The model takes into account expected state of charge of the battery in the duration of the route, considering speed, loading and road gradients.Itdeals with orders weights, road characteristics and vehicle specifications.The base formulation of the HFFVRPTW, meta-heuristic approach (type Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm), and extra cost for running out of battery capacity of vehicle on the route in the objective functionof the problem,is used.
транспорт товарен автомобиленградски електрически проблем за маршрутизацията на транспортните средстваtransport freight urban vehicle routing problem electric vehiclesTeodor Berov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Cedric De Cauwer , Joeri Van Mierlo and Thierry Coosemans, Energy Consumption Prediction for Electric Vehicles Based onReal-World Data, Energies 2015, 8, 8573-8593, doi:10.3390/en8088573. [2]European Commission, “ White Paper - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towardsa competitive and Resource Efficient Transport System”. COM(2011)-0144final. – online { http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/strate... } [3] Inayat Ali et all, Studying a course about human powered electric vehicles via theErasmus LLP Intensive Programmes, MNK „ELEKTROMOBILI”, EM’11, Ruse, Balgariya, str. 39-46, 2011 ( [3] Inayat Ali et all, Studying a course about human powered electric vehicles via theErasmus LLP Intensive Programmes, МНК „ЕЛЕКТРОМОБИЛИ”, EM’11, Русе, България, стр. 39-46, 2011 ) [4] Maud Bay, Sabine Limbourg, TSP model for electric vehicle deliveries, consideringspeed, loading and road grades,ODYSSEUS 2012 Workshop Schedule, 2012 [5] Michael Schneider, Andreas Stenger, Dominik Goeke, The Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and RechargingStations, Technical Report 02/2012 [6] Nora Touati-Moungla and Vincent Jost, Combinatorial optimization for electric vehicles management,International Conference on Renewable Energiesand Power Quality (ICREPQ”11),2011, paper 7 (504) – online {icrepq.com/icrepq”11/504-touati.pdf} [7] Prins, R., Hurlbrink, R. and Winslow, L. “Electric Vehicle Energy Usage Modeling and Measurement”,International Journal of Modern Engineering 13(1) ,2013 [8] Jane Lina, Wei Zhou, Ouri Wolfson, Electric vehicle routing problem, Transportation Research Procedia 12 (2016) 508 – 521 – online {www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146516000089} [9] Karagyozov K., Berov T.,Prilozheniena impericheski konkurenten algoritam za optimizirane marshrutizatsiyata na prevoznite sredstva, Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii, tom 12, br. 3(1), str. 63-68, 2014 (Karagyozov K., Berov T., „Prilozhenie na impericheski konkurenten algoritam za optimizirane marshrutizatsiyata na prevoznite sredstva“, Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 12, br. 3(1), 2014, str. 63-68) ( [9] Карагьозов K., Беров Т.,Приложениена имперически конкурентен алгоритъм за оптимизиране маршрутизацията на превозните средства, Механика, транспорт, комуникации, том 12, бр. 3(1), стр. 63-68, 2014 (Karagyozov K., Berov T., „Prilozhenie na impericheski konkurenten algoritam za optimizirane marshrutizatsiyata na prevoznite sredstva“, Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 12, br. 3(1), 2014, str. 63-68) ) [10] https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elektricheska... ( [10] https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Електрическа_... ) [11] http://www.bernabe.dorronsoro.es/vrp/ |