Scientific paper ID 1292 : 2016/4
Anastasiya Prigoda Over the past decades, the migration processes have undergone an extensive modification, creating the new forms and types of cross-country migration. The problems of migration and the ways of their management in the XXI century became one of the main issues of the developed countries and the subject of acute political debates, they also became an impulse for consolidating the efforts of the Governments in the development of the unified mechanism for the creation a favorable social -economic environment both for migrants and for the inhabitants of the donor countries.
In modern conditions, the migration is considered not only from the point of view of the mechanical movement of a population, and, importantly, a special attention is paid to social processes, involving all social-economic climates of the territories. The movement of refugees from the territories covered by ethnic, political and religious contradictions, military conflicts, natural and man-made disasters, generates a lot of problems in the host countries, undermine the existing public order, make adjustments to the lives of local communities, become the cause of the balance changes in the geopolitical map. All the above mentioned proves the necessity of developing the new approaches to the legal regulation of the international migration policy in the context of achieving a balance between the interests of all participants of migration processes. Ключевые слова: миграция трудовые мигранты международные правовые акты права человекаmigration migrant worker international instruments human rights.Anastasiya Prigoda BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Konventsiya “Protiv pytok i zhestokih,beschelovechnyh ili unizhayushtih dostoinstvo vidov obrashteniya i nakazaniya.” http://base.garant.ru/1305395/ http:///h ( [1] Конвенция “Против пыток и жестоких,бесчеловечных или унижающих достоинство видов обращения и наказания.” http://base.garant.ru/1305395/ http:///h ) [2] Ustav Upravleniya Verhovnogo komissara OON po delam bezhentsev. http://reflaw.narod.ru/HTMLs/lows/inter/ust... http:///h ( [2] Устав Управления Верховного комиссара ООН по делам беженцев. http://reflaw.narod.ru/HTMLs/lows/inter/ust... http:///h ) [3] Deklaratsiya “O likvidatsii vseh form neterpimosti i diskriminatsii na osnove religii ili ubezhdeniy.” 1981 god http://ppt.ru/newstext.phtml?id=15721 http:///h ( [3] Декларация “О ликвидации всех форм нетерпимости и дискриминации на основе религии или убеждений.” 1981 год http://ppt.ru/newstext.phtml?id=15721 http:///h ) [4] Vseobshtaya deklaratsiya prav cheloveka. http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/de... http:///h ( [4] Всеобщая декларация прав человека. http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/de... http:///h ) [5] Mezhdunarodnaya konventsiya “O zashtite prav vseh trudyashtihsya-migrantov i chlenov ih semey.” https://www.lawmix.ru/abro/10531 ( [5] Международная конвенция “О защите прав всех трудящихся-мигрантов и членов их семей.” https://www.lawmix.ru/abro/10531 ) [6] Protokol, kasayushtiysya statusa bezhentsev. (1966) http://www.ipolitics.ru/articles/database/g... http:///h ( [6] Протокол, касающийся статуса беженцев. (1966) http://www.ipolitics.ru/articles/database/g... http:///h ) |