Scientific paper ID 1285 : 2016/2

Detelin Vasilev1, Emil Yankov2, Martin Ivanov3, Nikolai Tonchev1

The paper is associated with the two main approaches to the design / CADCAE analysis / providing raising the threshold of the official characteristics of elements of aviation equipment, as well as its economy. CAE - research related to modeling of thermal processes strength-deformation condition of the main elements of a gas turbine engine - GTE and their interaction as an iterative process in the use and application of new materials and technologies. The developed models to assess the variables studied the work of GTE, applicable to different operating conditions, with the possibility of simulation of selected solutions change the input parameters from the user. Combining such techniques based on resource planning can build concept design, complete resource in the operation of the products and high level of their reliability. The report is methodical and consider the properties of the object through the use of modern information technology and his accent binding process of selection of material specific indices imposed by the scheme load.

проектиране CAD-CAE анализи газотурбинен двигателтурбина лопаткаdesign CAD-CAE analyzes gas turbine engine turbine bladeDetelin Vasilev Emil Yankov Martin Ivanov Nikolai Tonchev


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