Scientific paper ID 1284 : 2016/2
Adriana Borodzhieva The paper describes the processes of encoding and decoding using (15,11) Reed-Solomon code, based on Galois field GF(24), generated by a primitive irreducible polynomial f(x) = x4 + x + 1. An example for creating a generator polynomial of the Reed-Solomon code is given. This code will detect and correct errors occurring in two symbols of the codeword, as these symbols may be consecutive, i.e. in a series of 8 consecutive bits. The process of encoding a 44-bit information word is illustrated. After introducing errors in two symbols in the codeword, the processes of detecting and correcting errors in the codeword, and decoding are illustrated. The material is used in the course “Coding in Telecommunication Systems”, d as optional in the curriculum of the specialty “Telecommunication Systems” for the Bachelor degree.
Кодиране декодиране кодове на Рийд-Соломон откриване и коригиране на грешки.Encoding decoding Reed-Solomon codes error detection and correction.Adriana Borodzhieva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Bleyhut, R., Teoriya i praktika kodov, kontroliruyushtih oshibki. Perevod s angl. I.I. Grushko i V.M. Blinovskogo, Moskva, Mir, 1986. ( [1] Блейхут, Р., Теория и практика кодов, контролирующих ошибки. Перевод с англ. И.И. Грушко и В.М. Блиновского, Москва, Мир, 1986. ) [2] Pencheva, E. GSM komunikatsii, Sofiya, Novi znaniya, 2000. ( [2] Пенчева, Е. GSM комуникации, София, Нови знания, 2000. ) [3] Popov, M.K. Kletachni radiotelefonni sistemi. Sofiya, Sveti Georgi Pobedonosets, 1998. ( [3] Попов, М.К. Клетъчни радиотелефонни системи. София, Свети Георги Победоносец, 1998. ) [4] Sklar, B. Digital Communications. Fundamental and Applications (Second Edition). Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. [5] ecet.ecs.uni-ruse.bg/else – fakultet EEA, spetsialnost TKS, distsiplina KTKS. ( [5] ecet.ecs.uni-ruse.bg/else – факултет ЕЕА, специалност ТКС, дисциплина КТКС. ) [6] Borodzhieva, A. Kodirane i dekodirane s kod na Riyd-Solomon (7,3), baziran na poleto na Galoa GF(23), pri vavezhdane na dvusimvolna greshka. Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, Tom 13, Broy 1/2015, str. XI-1 – XI-12, ISSN: 1312-3823 (print), 2367-6620 (online). ( [6] Бороджиева, А. Кодиране и декодиране с код на Рийд-Соломон (7,3), базиран на полето на Галоа GF(23), при въвеждане на двусимволна грешка. Научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, Том 13, Брой 1/2015, стр. XI-1 – XI-12, ISSN: 1312-3823 (print), 2367-6620 (online). ) [7] Clarke, C.K.P. Reed-Solomon error correction. BBC R&D White Paper WHP 031, July, 2002, http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/rd/pubs/whp/whp-... |