Scientific paper ID 1282 : 2016/2

Todor Georgiev

In this paper, a comparison is made between the two types of lateral torsional buckling curves, which are permitted by EC3. They are called a “general” case and “lateral torsional buckling curves for rolled sections or equivalent welded sections”.

At first are drown the drawings of these two type curves, because they are not given in EC3.

The comparison is made according to the type of the cross-section, not according to the names of the curves. This is necessary, because in the “general” case the curves are 4, but in the other case they are only 3. The drawings of the differences in percentages between the two cases are also given.

It is determined, for the most used types of cross-sections, that using the second case is economic and safe enough.

Finally, the author has made some reasoning about which of the two types of curves is basic. Evidences from EC3 are shown, that the second case is the basic case.

измятане криви сравнениеbeams steel bending buckling curves.Todor Georgiev


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