Scientific paper ID 1271 : 2016/1

Hristo G. Stamenov

Concrete pavements are reliable and inexpensive alternative in road constrction under heavy traffic loads. Their advantages have been highly assessed in many countries and for the past 20 years the number of concrete roundabouts has been steadily increasing.

The features of roundabouts are briefly described. The effects of vehicle traffic on pavements at roundabouts are also examined.

The paper presents guidelines of design and construction ments for roundabouts with jointed plain concrete pavements and continuously reinforced concrete pavements.

бетонна пътна конструкция кръстовище с кръгово движениеconcrete road pavement roundaboutsHristo G. Stamenov


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[2] W.A.Kramer, Rotondes in beton, “net even anders”, Cement&Beton Centrum, october 2012, Aangepast augustus 2013

[3] Luc Rens, Concrete Roundabouts, EUPAVE, December 2013

[4] Rolf Werner, Ing. HTL/STV, Beratung und Expertisen für Verkehrsflächen in Beton, Bonstetten (Schweiz), Dipl.-Ing. Martin Peck, Munchen (Deutschland), Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johannes Steigenberger, Wien (Osterreich), Kreisverkehrsflachen in Beton: Erfahrungen in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Osterreich

[5] Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johannes Steigenberger, Erfahrungen mit Kreisverkehrsflächen in Beton, 13 März 2013

[6] Concrete Roundabouts, ACPA, June 2005




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