Scientific paper ID 1270 : 2015/2
Stanislav Tsvetkov, Petya Stoeva Abstract: The tanks for water storage are important and responsible structures. In most cases, the seismic effects create dynamic effects in the structures, for that need to take appropriate measures. The analysis of the tanks is iterative process in which is checked at different load conditions and combinations.
Used software Tower 7, based on work by the Finite Elements Method. The report presents a parametric study of reinforced concrete tanks water storage . Below are the wave height in volume V=1000 m3 of water and height z=5 m cylindrical and rectangular tanks at different heights of water hight and different soil characteristics. Below are the wave heights for vertical and horizontal components of the seismic effects and combinations of conditions, for V=500 m3 and V=1000 m3. Below are the wave heights in rectangular and cylindrical tanks with a volume V=100 m3 and V=1000 m3 of water and heights z=5 m and z=10 m. An analysis by the simplified procedure from Eurocodes for ground cylindrical tank and a computer analysis of rectangular underground tanks. Below are shown details of rectangular underground tank with and without internal columns. Effects: fixed, variable and seismicity. Load conditions are: full and without groung, empty and with ground, full and with ground. Comparisons are made to volume V=500 m3. The report is accompanied by: conclusions, figures and references. ВСУ “Л. Каравелов” катедра “Строителни конструкции” гр. София ул. „Суходолска“ № 175 РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯreinforced concrete tank cylindrical tank rectangular tank wave height internal forces stresses and deformationsStanislav Tsvetkov Petya Stoeva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Georgiev, G., Stanislav Tsvetkov, Rakovodstvo za proektirane na spetsialni stomanobetonni konstruktsii, chast Parva – glava Parva – Obshti svedeniya za analiz i konstruirane na spetsialni stomanobetonni konstruktsii, VSU, S., 2014 ( [1] Георгиев, Г., Станислав Цветков, Ръководство за проектиране на специални стоманобетонни конструкции, част Първа – глава Първа – Общи сведения за анализ и конструиране на специални стоманобетонни конструкции, ВСУ, С., 2014 ) [2] Georgiev, G., Stanislav Tsvetkov, Rakovodstvo za proektirane na spetsialni stomanobetonni konstruktsii, chast Parva – glava Vtora – Podgotovka na kursov proekt, VSU, S., 2014 ( [2] Георгиев, Г., Станислав Цветков, Ръководство за проектиране на специални стоманобетонни конструкции, част Първа – глава Втора – Подготовка на курсов проект, ВСУ, С., 2014 ) [3] Evrokodove, Silozi, rezervoari, traboprovodi, Sbornik 9, BIS, S., 2010 ( [3] Еврокодове, Силози, резервоари, тръбопроводи, Сборник 9, БИС, С., 2010 ) |