Scientific paper ID 1269 : 2015/2

Stanislav Tsvetkov, Antoni Andonov

The chimneys are a necessary and indispensable equipment in any industrial undertaking. The chimneys: transported, treated and discharged waste gases from the production of heights, where they were safe for life and health of people and of nature. As a construction, the chimneys are highly complex ensemble of other facilities and structures, so the design of the chimney is a process that is closely connected with the participation of technicians of the all production.

The analysis is in accordance with the Eurocodes. Analysed is only the outer tube.

The report shows: general information and under study: reinforced concrete structure of high industrial chimney. The constructive system is "pipe in pipe".

Geometry: inner tube: H=100 m, D=10 m, b=30 cm, outer tube: H=325 m, (Ddown=28,75 m - Dup=11,83 m), (bdown=70 cm - bup=29 cm). The chimney is located in Stara Zagora (city). Methods of analysis: used software is SAP2000, described are: constant impacts, variable impacts and seismics, are shown spectra response for rotational components, are given information on: the effects of wind, construction deviations, effects of temperature, unilaterally solar heat (radiation), resonance.

Given are results of experimental data and conclusions.

The report is accompanied by shemes and references.

стоманобетонен промишлен комин спектър на реагиране въздействия върху тръбата разрезни усилия напрежения и деформацииreinforced concrete industrial chimney response spectrum impacts on the tube internal forces stresses and deformationsStanislav Tsvetkov Antoni Andonov


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