Scientific paper ID 1263 : 2015/3
Stanislav Filip, Marián Kováč Selected security relations are connected also with citizens´ needs according to spatial planning issues. The article provides a comprehensive picture not only on the formation of the position and role of citizens in the security system of a municipality, but also the possibilities of interconnection and the potential effects on human security environment. Paper is written in from general knowledge to specific, and its structure contains theoretical as well as methodological, analytical, synthesizing and parts focused on specific proposals.The paper is focused on evaluation of the current status in the issue of possibilities of citizens´ security implementation in spatial planning documents. Theoretical part of the paper deals with basic terminology of security and risk management issues. Further chapter analyse the current status in security risk management issues involving in the spatial planning documents. A customized method how to involve management of security risks related with citizens is described.The article contains a summary of the results achieved processing of relevant issues in the broader context of their transferability. In particular, a possible effect of achieved objectivesof the self-government territorial units and interconnection of documentation in relation to the effective creation, monitoring and fulfilling the mission of the municipality in the security context.
сигурност устройство на територията регионално развитие риск управление на риска.security spatial planning regional development risk risk managementStanislav Filip Marián Kováč BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Beck, U. 2004. Riziková společnost na ceste k jiné moderne. Praha : Sociologické nakladatelství, 2004. 431 s. ISBN 80-86429-32-6. [2] Filip, S. 2011. Krízové riadenie v Slovenskej republike na úrovni krajov. In Dopady vybraných verejných politík na regionálny rozvoj v Slovenskej a v Českej republike. Bratislava : crr.sk, 2011. ISBN 978-80-970495-6-0. s. 61-69. [3] Filip, S., Šimák, L. 2006. Manažérstvo rizík a krízových situácií vo verejnej správe. Bratislava : Merkury, 2006. 208 s. ISBN 978-80-89143-43-6. [4] Gozora, V. 2010. Spolupráca podnikateľských subjektov a miestnych samospráv pri riešení regionálnych disparít. In Zborník z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou “Riešenie krízových situácií“ konanej dňa 2.6.2010 v Žiline. Žilina : FŠI ŽU, 2010. ISBN 978-80-554-0202-4, s. 183-188. [5] Halasek, D. 2004. Standardizace veřejných služeb. Ostrava : VŠBTU, 2004. 152 s. ISBN 80-248-0685-1. [6] Šimák, L. 2006. Manažment rizík. Žilina : FŠI ŽU, 2006. 116 s. [7] http://www.cramm.com/overview/expert.htm |