Scientific paper ID 1261 : 2015/3

Taschko Nikolov, Hristo Hristov, Anelia Doseva, Stoil Lyatov, Georgi Ganchev

The article is a follow-up to the publication "Algorithmization of the route’s flank protection in interlocking" by the same authors [1]. Flank protection is examined not as fixed and unchanging in time, but as a route protecting set of states of the station facilities, dynamically reconfiguring themselves depending on the route disposition by providing the currently most reliable protection against dangerous lateral movements. The flank-protected elements are sought not only upon setting the route, but alsoon-line during the changes oc-curring throughout its lifecycle.

Ключовидуми: фланговата защита централизацияflank protection interlocking track layoutTaschko Nikolov Hristo Hristov Anelia Doseva Stoil Lyatov Georgi Ganchev


[1] T. Nikolov i kol. Algoritmizatsiya na flangovata zashtita na marshruta v garovite tsentralizatsii. “Mehanika, transport i komunikatsii» 2014 VTU «T. Kableshkov».
( [1] Т. Николов и кол. Алгоритмизация на фланговата защита на маршрута в гаровите централизации. “Механика, транспорт и комуникации» 2014 ВТУ «Т. Каблешков». )

[2] Gregor Teeg, Sergey Vlasenko«Railway Signalling&Interlocking. International Compendium». DVV Media/Eurailpress 2009.




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