Scientific paper ID 1256 : 2015/3
Emil Iontchev In the report are presented the basic principles of working of the phase-locked loop system. They are shown the basic equations which are used to design the concrete schemes. The design of the system is based on the elements of the laboratory kit ASLK PRO. The work of it is simulated in the powerful circuit design and simulation tool TINA-TI and also the basic system parameters were investigated. The same investigation was done on the PLL which was implemented on the laboratory kit ASLK PRO. It is made a comparison between the simulated and the real parameters and it is concluded that they are equivalent.
ФАДЧ фазово затворени вериги генератор управляван с напрежение умножители фазов детектор интеграторphase-locked loop voltage-controlled oscillator multipliers phase detector integratorEmil Iontchev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Angelov A. i dr., Mikroprotsesori v radiotehnicheskite sistemi, Sofiya, Tehnika, 1989g. ( [1] Ангелов А. и др., Микропроцесори в радиотехническите системи, София, Техника, 1989г. ) [2]Connelly J. A., Analogintegrated circuits- Devices, Circuits, Systems and Application, John Wiley and Sons, 1975. [3]Goldman St. J., Phase-Locked Loop EngineeringHandbook for Integrated Circuits, ArtechHouse, Inc, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-1-59693-154-1 [4]KarrisSt. T., Signals and Systems with MATLAB® Applications, Orchard Publications, 2003, ISBN 0-9709511-8-3 [5] Best R. E., Phase-Locked Loops – Design, Simulation and Applications, McGraw-Hill [6] http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/sbou052a/sbou052a.... [7] http://www.ti.com/tool/ASLKPRO |