Scientific paper ID 1255 : 2015/3

Zoya Hubenova, Vladimir Gergov

The article examines issues related to the quality of the training of operators in complex ergatic systems and possibilities of computer flight simulation training systems and control their professional qualities. Human activity as an element of such systems is a specific type of work in unusual and complex conditions requiring him to rule a system of knowledge, habits and skills, high active, ready to respond to sudden ambiguous situations, the ability to absorb large data loads and responsibilities. It performs a variety of functions - control, monitoring, communication, repair, etc. ergatic reserve. That the highest creative activity, purposefulness and effectiveness. Cognitive educational technologies as approach in forming system for monitoring and evaluation activities of the learner in trainer-simulator complexes are proposed.

оператор обучение структура тренажорни технологииoperator training structure flight simulator technologyZoya Hubenova Vladimir Gergov


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