Scientific paper ID 1246 : 2015/3

Vasil Dimitrov

In this paper, а laboratory stand for asynchronous drive examinations has been designed and built. A load of the motor with electromagnetic brake, as well as possibility of reverse has been provided. The necessary locks and protection and control equipment have been also assured. Methods for laboratory examinations and tests by instrumentation with high accuracy are developed: determination of the static mechanical and electromechanical characteristics and characteristics that show the change of energetic parameters (power factor, efficiency, THD etc.) of the drive at the load change. Some experimental tests have been carried out. The presence of such a laboratory system in ouruniversity is very useful in the learning process. It is used for students training and research.

асинхронни двигателиелектромагнитна спирачка лабораторни изпитанияasynchronous motor electromagnetic brake laboratory testsVasil Dimitrov


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